10 August 2013

An American Tradition

Ah, the simple can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup--what would American "cuisine" be without it? From the infamous Classic Green Bean Casserole so prevalent at holiday dinners to the 18 kinds of one-dish chicken-and-something concoctions, the contents of this can are pervasive. Campbell's Kitchen lists 1326 recipes using CofM!

My ex-husband's favorite quickie meal was to dump a can of this in a saucepan with a can of tuna (liquid included), some shredded cheddar cheese, and a splash of Chardonnay or Chablis (whatever was open). He'd stir that up and heat it through; then he'd pull a cookie sheet of crispy hot Tater Tots out of the oven, dump them in a bowl, and smother them in "gravy." Yes, it sounds repulsive. Yes, I have been known to make it as comfort food when I'm home sick with a cold. Don't tell anyone.

The famous can wasn't as simple to paint as it is to use, however--I tried this one three times in two hours, and I'm going with this one, warts and all. Andy Warhol it ain't (and anyway, his ultimate icon of choice was Tomato)--but I think it will do for our cookbook.


  1. I love your soup can!

    I can't say I'd love the concoction for "gravy" though, sounds ghastly. HA. I have never made or eaten "green bean casserole."
    I'm probably the only person in the USA who has not.

    1. Can;t stand the stuff, myself, no loss. Soggy, bland. But some people love it.

  2. And you kiss this man?!!

    I think it is a fine Mushroom Soup can! It's friendly. And Andy doesn't have any say in it.

    1. You did catch the part about him being an EX, right?
