I've been MIA for a couple of weeks, getting some things in order. I'm working a truncated schedule for the next six weeks while I go to physical therapy and water aerobics to get me past the knee injury I sustained a couple of months ago, that has refused to heal (and in fact has gotten worse) while enduring a full-time work schedule.
You would think this would give me more time to sketch and paint, but it hasn't worked out that way. So many other things are taking precedence that I've neglected this side of things. Hopefully, that will change as I get into more of a routine. Ironically, I seem to be spending half of my time off thinking about work and making lists for what to do on the days I'm there! OCD, I'm afraid.
Anyway, we had a work event last night--a Bored Board Games night with our teens. Not too many showed up, but the ones who did had a great time playing Burbankopoly, Clue, Parcheesi, Battleship, Jenga, and Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit, as did Anarda and I! (Yes, sometimes it's the best job ever.)
I managed, while not playing something myself, to do one quick little sketch of some of the teens. I'm not great at people (especially when they're not asleep!), but I think I managed to capture the feel and some of the energy of these kids.