I looked at it and thought, Well, the best you can say is, it is discernibly a glass jug. Then I wondered, CAN you say that?
I hope to get home earlier and do better tomorrow. I could have done better tonight, but I wanted to eat my dinner and read my brand-new book, and I also needed to study my ballot for voting tomorrow. So I overcame my embarrassment at this messy, inadequate effort, and posted it on the 30x30 site.
Thereafter followed an amazing number and array of complimentary comments from people remarking on the capture of the transparency of the glass, the wonderful looseness, and other various "amazing" qualities. Who knew that being slapdash could pay off in Facebook love? Perhaps people were just being kind, but it was nice to get such a reaction. Guess I'll have to try this again.
This is one of your best works yet. It was that here goes nothing approach that worked. If you can recapture that feeling, your art will profit from it. Now you've crossed that threshold.