23 August 2023


Well, I got impatient with my own cowardice (and also the first one was pretty much unredeemable) and re-drew my girl, did another draw-check photo in Elements, and then did the wash. I risked the ink again, because I don't have anything else exactly that color, but this time I put a pre-wash of water on the paper and used much less ink, then spread it quickly, and it came out better. It's still a little blotchy here and there, but it's right at the edges, so I can crop that out in framing, if I ever do that.

I did this exact same technique of pre-washing the paper in acrylic inks for almost a year during and after Deb Weiers's class, so I don't know why it's suddenly being contrary, but there it is; things work, and then they don't. It may be also that there was too much erasing of the paper before I did the coat of ink? Or I got a bad batch of paper (which has happened more than once in my painting career). Anyway, this one is acceptable.

I'm really glad I persisted and did this over, because I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out. I sort of melded my own style with Angela's, so I copied, for instance, the sold shape of the hair rather than making individual strands, except for those signature pincurls above the temples, which I couldn't resist including. I didn't use any colored pencil like she did, but I did put in some sketchy outlining, use white gesso for the ruffle and highlights on the shirt, and drop in some white Signo glints in the eyes and here and there on the skin.

I may paint this one again sometime—the reference photo woman has these incredible bedroom eyes that I didn't quite capture here, and I'd like to give it another shot. But for now...done!

"Angelic"—pencil, acrylic ink, watercolors, Uniball pen, Signo gel pen, on 140-lb. Fluid watercolor paper, 12x16 inches.

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