03 July 2024

Marking time

 I haven't felt too inspired lately, so I've been marking time by picking up on the projects of others and redoing them to suit myself. They haven't completely done that, but at least they have kept my hand in. This girl was a portrait that someone published on a Facebook page, asking for help with the likeness (a person new to portraits) and I decided that she was sufficiently arresting that I wanted to paint her myself.

The second is a challenge being put out there by Dana Primrose Bloede—she's posting one copyright-free image a month and asking people to paint the portrait and share. None of them have names on them, so I called him "This Guy." I enjoyed the darks and lights on this one, but I'm not a big fan of painting men's facial hair!

They are both 9x12 inches, painted on 90-lb. paper I bought for watercolor workshops, so not quite as clean as they would have been on Fluid.

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