14 January 2020


Today's lesson was "marking off your proportions," which simply means taking a pencil and putting in lines where the eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, and chin fall on the face, also paying attention to such things as angles.

It sounds like sensible advice, but I tend to resist it because I'm so used to drawing with pen, so that the minute I start to draw, I'm committed. But I decided to give it a shot, and by the time I had marked in the locations of everything it seemed like I was half-done drawing the face in pencil, so I just went ahead and stuck with that.

It makes for a more realistic painting, and it definitely helped me with the likeness (especially getting the location/length of the nose right in proportion to the rest of the face), though I'm not sure it's as interesting or individual as one done in pen. I also could have used some help with the shape of the glasses, unless she has dropped and bent these a few times!

"Jes" on Sketchy
Pencil (& eraser), watercolors, in Bee sketchbook

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