14 July 2020

My style?

I tried another town-with-red-roofs-on-hills painting tonight. And I have to face the fact that I will never paint like the people whose paintings I cited in yesterday's post...but I think I did manage to make this one a better painting than the one of Santorini from the night before.

I'm too literal, and I just don't have the knack of spontaneity; I don't work fast, I have no idea how to make tile roofs actually look like tile, and getting greens to look like shrubbery, well, hmm...but I guess I will keep trying.

Some people say they like "my style." Do I have a style? Most of the time I feel I do not, I just paint what I see.

Paul Jackson, Daniel Smith, and M. Graham paints on Fluid 140-lb. watercolor paper. Pencil underdrawing. From a reference photo whose origin I have forgotten.


  1. This Is Parthenay where we visited. Well done. There is so much in this scene. I have the same one. I will see if I can dig it out. Bx
