06 November 2020


 For perhaps the first time in my "career" as a painter, I purposely painted something ugly. I'm not just talking about the images, although they are pretty bad, but the caption, and the thought and intention that went into it. And right now, I'm not sorry.

I may regret it later. But tonight I felt the need for a political statement. Tonight I felt the need to say, Okay, in 2016 it could have been a mistake, a misunderstanding of who he is, or else "anyone but Hillary" syndrome. But after four years of misogyny, racist hatred and bigotry, after his disrespecting everyone from the handicapped to the soldiers in our military, after four years of watching him encourage the absolute worst qualities of humanity in everyone surrounding and following him, after the cheating, the stealing, the compulsive and continuous lying, the complete lack of any redeeming virtue or feeling, and the total and complete neglect of an entire country at risk of death or permanent damage from a pandemic the likes of which we have never seen, THEY STILL CHOSE HIM. They actually chose more. They said, Keep it up, we like it, we approve.

And we who were desperate to be rid of him, we who worked for years to get out the vote to purge him and his kind from our government and yes, please, our country, and from our sight and from our minds, we who hold values and ethics and each other dear, have to come to terms with the fact that 50 percent of our country, 50 percent of the so-called United States population (what a joke) would rather keep him, for the simple reason that they believe (erroneously) that he will help them hang onto their money.

That's what it comes down to. Money, and clusters of not-yet-sentient cells in women's wombs. Never mind the people being evicted by the landlords of the apartment buildings his son owns, because they can't pay because they have no work because he let the pandemic get out of control and shut down the economy. Never mind the hundreds of immigrant children whose parents can't be found and who will probably live out their lives with strangers, heartbroken. Never mind those of us who are about to lose both our health care and our Social Security. Never mind the willful continued destruction of the environment and the blatant alienation of every other nation on earth. Never mind all that. Save the fetus, save the 401K. That was their rallying cry.

So here they are, in all their ugly glory. These are the people with whom we are supposed to make common cause to put the United States back together, once this endless counting process is over and Joe Biden is, Jesus willing, our new president.

You know, I just don't see that happening.

Pencil, gray gel pen, Daler Rowney inks, watercolor, silver Lumin/Arte paint, white gel pen, Uniball Vision pen, 9x12 inches on Fluid watercolor paper.


  1. Thanks Melissa. Yes, Melissa; you got it Melissa.
    The art speaks volumes about how 50% of us feel. Sick feeling even though the tide is turning, and it actually looks like we’ll get Joe and Ksmala,, Life probably will
    Never be the same. When same seemed sane. When we thought it was safe to love our neighbor as ourselves.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. You have been an inspiration over the past year with your own political art, and I appreciate you.

    2. Im happy you could get your feelings out on paper. I think it is inspiring. I feel the whole situation is ugly too .... but from the opposite prospective. It isn’t about the money for the people ....the Biden’s are the ones supported by Wall Street. The deplorable things you say about the”other 50 %of the nation”. Well that’s exactly what we think of you people. The beginning of socialism is here ...has been coming for many years. To have our liberty taken away by a power hungry large govt. taking our Christian based govt. away for the sake of non God fearing people makes us no different not a special country to come to anymore. We will be ruled by China & Russia we will fall ...Jesus spare Your people!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. First of all, our government is purposely NOT Christian based. Read the Constitution. Separation of church and state, no mandated religion. Second, you need to look up the definition of socialism and realize that is not how our country is structured, nor will it be. There is a difference between socialism and the government paying for things of benefit to all, like infrastructure. Would you rather go without paved roads? stoplights? sewers? Get a grip. Trump is the one selling us out to Russia. How can you not see what's plainly in your own interest and what is not?

  2. Your art is always wonderful Melissa, but this one is especially poignant. My heart grieves for the world when so many people can vote for, and believe the values(a real misnomer in this case) of the meglomaniac that is Trump. Thank you for your passion, your sanity, your heart.... And your talent!

    1. Sorry. My comment has come up as from unknown. This is Corinne here!

    2. Thank you, Corinne. The people of other countries need to keep believing in the half of us who want union and sanity.
