06 October 2023

Day 6

This is the model/lesson from Day 4, but since I'm doing it on the 6th, we'll call it that. I don't think I'm going to catch up with the previous couple, but will go onward and do as many as I can. I'm letting myself pick and choose, because some of the models and methods simply don't appeal. Maybe that's not kosher, but I don't care!

I liked this one because it was a young boy, and children are notoriously harder to paint than are adults, since their faces are still in different proportion. I can't explain exactly what I mean by that, but if you have tried it, you will know.

Dritan Duro is another loose painter, somewhat wet in wet, which is not my usual style, but I feel like my rendering of his lesson was fairly successful—at least more so than my last blurry effort! I liked the challenge of keeping the light on the side of the face and the hair—I had to forcibly make myself stop instead of painting it in. It looks a fair bit like the child, though from a little more extreme angle than the photo, somehow. A good exercise.

"Sy623_Jess"—pencil and watercolor, on 140-lb. Fluid coldpress, approx. 8x11.5 inches.

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